Thursday, September 13, 2012

Object/Relational Interlude: Messaging in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL as an object-relational development platform doesn't end with data modelling.  The notification system is particularly powerful and worthy of mention.  This system however has some challenges and gotchas which are also worth mentioning.  The example below was early sample code bundled with LedgerSMB from 1.1 onward.  The code is not really useful in production for reasons specified but it can be a basis for production systems, and it functions as an example both of how to make things work and the problems you can encounter.

I would like to thank Marc Balmer of Micro Systems for some contributions from slides he had sent to me on this.

Basic Framework:  LISTEN/NOTIFY

PostgreSQL provides a messaging system with two commands, listen and notify.  These commands allow any process to broadcast an event to any listener.  In some older versions, listeners are listed in a system table and this information is presumed public.  In newer versions this information is not in the system catalogs and so this reduces the security exposure from the use of this method, but many areas of exposure remain and must be understood.

This approach is divided into broadcast channels.  Any user can broadcast along any channel.  Anyone can listen on any channel. The actual notifications are public.  The syntax is:

LISTEN channel; -- for the listener


NOTIFY channel [, payload]; -- for the broadcaster

Channels are database-specific.

A Brief Example

or_examples=# listen test;

In another session:

or_examples=# notify test, 'testing testing testing';

In the first session, psql will only check for notifications when executing another query so we:

or_examples=# select 1;
(1 row)

Asynchronous notification "test" with payload "testing testing testing" received from server process with PID 29052.

It is of course possible to send actual meaningful data in the payload but this is probably not a good idea since we can't really verify the sender without a lot of extra code.

In an actual application we can take the notification to be a sign that we need to check something in the application.  In general, I can't find any case where the payload is actually a good idea to use.  It's probably better to use tables to create a message queue.  Then the notification can be used to reduce the actual requests to the tables.

Note further that NOTIFY is raised on transaction commit, making it transaction-safe.  NOTIFY allows you to build extremely interactive systems where many applications actively communicate across the database and trans-transaction logic can be encapsulated from a user application's perspective, within the database layer itself.

Listen Gotchas

The Listen architecture does not provide security by itself,  This must be provided on the underlying tables.  In general it is always a mistake to trust the payload of the notification too much.

Additionally you need a way to extract only the records you want.  I will go over a badly designed case below.  One approach is a message table.  Another approach might be a message view.  Either way the listener is a separate program.

Finally it is worth noting that the application actually has to ask the connection libraries if there is a notification.  This can cause some confusion because, for example, psql only checks when a query is run.  With a Perl script, however, we might wake up to check once every minute or second, or whatever we want to do.

Notify Gotchas

Listeners require no security privileges to listen to a notification or act on them.  The listener is a separate program and could be anywhere else.  You should never trust that the NOTIFY payload is not overheard somewhere.

Additionally, it is worth remembering that NOTIFY is *always* raised on commit and cannot be removed without rolling back the transaction.  However, if the actual message is in a message table, it could be safely deleted.


Message Queue Tables

When we add tables with messages to the system we will be able to actually use PostgreSQL as a message queue server.  For example, in 9.2 we can to do something like:

CREATE TABLE message_queue_test (
    id bigserial primary key, -- appropriate, not natural data
    sender text not null default session_user,
    payload json not null,
    received bool

CREATE INDEX msq_test_pending_idx 
ON message_queue_test (id, sender, payload) 

Of course the cases where this can be used as a covering index are vanishingly small, but over time the index may be useful in eliminating rows already read.  You can then keep old records around for a while for debugging purposes.  You could even have an abstract table, multiple child/"leaf" tables, and unified object-relational interfaces for these.  Indeed this may be an interesting project for the future.

Concurrent Access and Locking

Note that the standard rules exist with concurrent access and locking.  If you want this to be a message queue that several different programs can read and every message must get sent out only once, then you should make sure you use SELECT ... FOR UPDATE.

An Example

 In LedgerSMB I created a sample script that would show how to send an email out whenever a short part was sold, to remind someone to order.  Unfortunately this was not so well designed, but I guess it was good enough as an example.

The Trigger

  IF NEW.onhand >= NEW.rop THEN
    NOTIFY parts_short;

In actual use cases, this isn't enough information to process this properly.  Please see the problems below.  The basic problem is that this notification causes the listener, when used, to email out a full parts short report to the individual(s) specified.  Depending on how it is set up, this might be a bunch of reports in a short time.  This could really use a queue table.

The Listener

I wrote this code quickly when I was still learning Perl. It's definitely quick and dirty code.  I am not proud of the clarity or maintainability, but what it does is actually trivial.

The script starts off with the basic setup, which basically sets up the configuration information and the database connections:

require "";

use DBI;
my $dsn = "dbi:Pg:dbname=$database";
my $dbh = DBI->connect(
    $dsn, $db_user,
        AutoCommit => 1,
        PrintError => 0,
        RaiseError => 1,
$dbh->{pg_enable_utf8} = 1;

my $sth;

$dbh->do("LISTEN parts_short");

The next part is the main loop, which just wakes up, checks for notifications, acts on them if applicable, and if not goes back to sleep:

while (1) {    # loop infinitely
    if ( $dbh->func('pg_notifies') ) {
    sleep $cycle_delay;

And finally what we do if we got a notification:

sub on_notify {
    open( MAIL, '|-', "$sendmail" );
    $sth = $dbh->prepare( "
        SELECT partnumber, description, onhand, rop FROM parts
        WHERE onhand <= rop
  " );
    print MAIL $template_top;
    while ( ( $partnumber, $description, $avail, $rop ) = $sth->fetchrow_array )
        write MAIL;
    print MAIL $template_foot;
    close MAIL;


Aside from the fact that the code isn't the most maintainable code out there, there are a number of structural problems with the whole solution.  First, what this actually does is probably not what you actually want.  It wakes up every so often (a configurable value) and checks for notifications and if it finds them will send out a parts short report to the designated individual.  Note it won't send just the new parts, but actually all the parts short.  If you have a store with thousands of parts in stock and are nearing ROP on a few hundred, and then the holiday traffic starts before your orders come in, this will be rather annoying and likely to be intentionally filtered out by whoever is supposed to receive it.

Additionally, if you have a case where you are short many parts, a malicious user may be able to find a way to force the system to send out a parts short report every time it wakes up, which may not cause a denial of service attack but in fact may be highly annoying and prevent the actual emails from being reasonably useful.


The best solution is to go with a queue table, and have the trigger write to it.  Then the reader can read it, and email out a notice as to exactly what has happened.  This will mean more relevant information and better signal to noise ratio.

Next:  Polymorphism in PostgreSQL


  1. I actually use LISTEN/NOTIFY to send messages to a daemon that handle data archiving and out of band processing, and it works great. But in order to really reduce the work and checks on the daemon, I use the Postgres libs ability to check if there is any action on the TCP connection, as NOTIFY will actually cause an activity on the connection. Then using Ruby's Postgres GEM I do something like:
    @db_conn.wait_for_notify() do |event, pid, extra|
    do_notify_work(event, pid, extra)

    SO the daemon is only doing work when there is a notification on the connection, and then it checks if it's actually a NOTIFY and pass control to my execution block.

    Of course there's some code around it to protect from timeouts, terminations, etc...

  2. I've used this in Perl DBD-Pg code in a daemon using event based code (AnyEvent as the case was, but could have been IO::Async, POE, Gtk2, Reflex, anything that can create filehandle watchers) by setting $dbh->{pg_socket} to non-blocking, calling the LISTEN and adding the socket to the event loop and checking pg_notifies on events on that socket.

    BTW, current DBD::Pg has a pg_notifies method on the database handle now, no longer need to call func('pg_notifies')

    1. The code has not been updated since we were working with DBD::Pg 1.x. It's good to see comments like this though which alert users to areas which are out of date.

      As for the rest of it, that sounds like a better approach. As I say this was intended as sample code and is certainly not production-centric.
